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Some time you install fresh Operating system in your computer and then you install Browser, google chrome. After installation you try to open gmail, yahoo, or facebook in google chrome but you do not see your required page and see a message “Server Security Certificate is not yet valid”.  Then you also try to open the page by clicking on “continue anyway” but the result is same.

Infect this problem occurs due to incorrect date and time of your computer. By synchronizing your system clock you can solve this problem.
I will tell you the best solution of this problem. Just follow these steps and after completion you will be able to login to facebook, yahoo, gmail etc.


  • Click on Start Menu and then control penal. 

  • Open Date/Time setting 

  • Adjust correct date and time according to your region. 

  •  Open "Internet Time Zone" tab.  

  •  Click on "Update Now" button. After clicking on button, It will start synchronzing your internet server timing. 

  • After 7-8 seconds you will see a message, "The time has been successfully synchronized with on 07-07-2013 at 5:09PM. 



It is common observation that some times our computer slows down due to low performance of hard drive. This problem happens due to the slow performance or poor speed of hard drive. When we say about poor performance, actually we mean, poor speed of reading/writing of hard drive. This problem can be solved by increasing the hard drive speed. Follow these steps to solve your problem.

  • Click Start menu and select run.
  • Now type (sysedit.exe) in run and press enter.
  • System configuration editor will appear.
  • Here you can see some multiple windows but you will select (system.ini).
  • This window contains a line (386enh)
  • Now after this line type (irq14=4096)
  • Now close this window and save it.
  • Reboot your computer now.

You will surely feel better performance of your computer.





  • TYPE  “OSK




7 Things Not to do After a Meal

1- Don’t smoke- Experts have proven that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes.

2- Don’t eat fruits immediately – Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore eat fruit 1-2 hr’s after a meal or 1hr before a meal.

3- Don’t drink tea – Tea leaf’s contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

4- Don’t loosen your belt – Loosening your belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.

5- Don’t bath – Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6- Don’t walk about – People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

7- Don’t sleep immediately – The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.


13 things you never knew about your weight

It Really Is Genetic
People with one or two copies of the “fatso” gene (now more politely called FTO) weighed more too.

Some People Just Have More Fat Cells
Some people have twice as many fat cells as others have. Even if you’ve lost a few pounds (or gained some), your fat-cell count remains, holding tight to the fat already inside and forever thirsting to be filled up with more.

You Can Change Your Metabolism
As you gain more fat (even as little as 11 pounds), your metabolism slows down and it becomes harder to lose it.

Stress Fattens You Up
Stressful circumstances spark cravings for carbohydrate-rich snack foods, which in turn calm stress hormones. Stress hormones also ramp up fat storage. Today we take our stress sitting down – and the unused calories accumulate in our midsection.

Mom’s Pregnancy Sealed Your Fate
Sugary and fatty foods consumed even before you’re born affect the child. You can give your kids a head start by eating well before they’re born.

Sleep More, Lose More
With more sleep patients have a greater sense of fullness, and they’ll spontaneously lose weight. Patients should get less than seven to eight hours.

Your Spouse’s Weight Matters
Weight gain and loss can be, well, contagious. Researchers concluded that obesity seems to spread through social networks.

Achoo! A Virus Can Cause Obesity
Some cells transform into fat cells when infected with a viruses.

Cookies Really Are Addictive
Parts of the brain that get excited with food are the same parts activated in drug addicts.

Ear Infections Can Taint Your Taste Buds
People who tasted food less intensely than others seemed more likely to be fat. Those over 35 who had suffered several ear infections had almost double the chance of being obese.

Antioxidants Are Also Anti-Fat
Avoid the junk and load up on colorful, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.

Pick a Diet, Any Diet
All diets agree to the 4 main things:
- Consume carbs in the form of whole grains and fiber.
- Avoid trans fats and saturated fats.
- Eat lean protein.
- Fill up on fruits and vegetables.

You Can Be Fat and Fit
Metabolically abnormal-making them more vulnerable to heart disease than their heavier counterparts. You need about 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity five days a week for health.

9 Brain Habits You Didn’t Realize You Had

Brain is certainly the most amazing part of human body. It becomes more interesting when it does not work the way you expect it should. Psychology frequently establishes our intuitions about how human mind works, but it reveals a number of surprises as well…

Although some psychology students will have heard one or two of these before, here’s a list of brain habits you probably didn’t realize you had:

1. The maximum capacity of your short-term memory is seven.

Humans have basically three forms of memory: Sensory, Long-term and Short-term. Long-term memory is just like hard-drive space. Similarly, Short-term memory functions like a very small RAM. This Short-term memory is capable to hold only about five to nine (seven is an average) items at a time.

Retrieving information longer than this will need you to either pack it together into seven units or store it in Long-term memory. Have you observed that most phone numbers have only seven digits?

2. The most visible color is Chartreuse.

Yellowish green, chartreuse is naturally placed right in the middle of the frequencies of visible light. Human eyes have receptors for green, blue and red. Being placed in the middle, chartreuse actuates the most of these receptors to fire, making it distinct and easier to spot. For the same reason, in some metropolises, firetrucks have been modified from red to a yellowish green color to make them more visible and obvious to the eye.

3. Subconscious is smarter than you.

Subconscious is smarter than you. In other words, it is more powerful. In a recent study, a square was attributed to a location on a computer screen through a complex pattern. After watching it out, people began to get results better than chance of recognizing where the square would crop up next. However, when they were inquired to consciously find out the pattern, even given a few hours, nobody really did it!

4. There are two nervous systems.

We have two sets of nervous systems. One controls excitation, while the other controls inhibition. If you hold out your hand, you might observe minor tremors. This is actually stimulated by slight, random differences in the amount each of the two systems are firing.

5. Brain is exceptionally bad at probability.

Your high-school math teacher might have told you about this fact. Here what’s interesting isn’t that your brain is bad at probability. But how? In one study, recipients were asked:

Nearly 90% of students responded that #7 was more probable than #5. This is despite the fact that to be a bank teller and in the feminist movement is entirely contained within the set of #5 (just being a bank teller). It is observable that our minds like to think more details make events more probable, not less.

6. Memory isn’t great either.

Research has revealed that people are highly probable to misremember past events. Even worse, it is quite easy to suggest a memory that never happened. Due to this fact, so-called “repressed” memories should be given a lot of consideration. It is extremely easier to suggest a memory of a situation that never encountered, then it is to recover one that actually did.

7. Depth is perceivable with one eye.

It’s not quite true that depth perception is totally the result of having two eyes. Binocular vision does help in making a three-dimensional image. Still, most of your capability to perceive depth comes from inside your brain. It has been wired to look at angles and proportions to measure distance.

If you needed two eyes to perceive depth, then most optical illusions wouldn’t work and it would be extremely difficult to gather information from two-dimensional images. Not to mention a great number of one-eyed pirates walking overboard.

8 . Long-term memory closes up during sleep.

The components of the brain that carry information to Long-term memory turn off while sleeping. For the same reason, dreams quickly fade out after you wake up. Although you may have quite a few dreams in a night, they aren’t being memorialized into Long-term memory. Normally only the fragments of a dream left in Short-term memory have a possibility to be converted after you wake up.

9. The Brain has an amazing instant playback feature.

The last form of memory, i.e. Sensory memory is actually your brain’s equivalent to an instant playback feature. Functioning for both your vision and hearing, your thalamus can resend signals a few seconds after they were originally sent.

Let’s suppose being at a party and overhearing someone call your name. Often you can recall what they said even if you were concentrating on another conversation. This is because your sensory memory re-sends the signals when it feels something important, such as your name. If you missed this form of memory, activities such as multitasking or taking notes from a speaker would not be practicable for you.

If you’re supposed to repeat something you just said because the other person wasn’t hearing, just wait for a few seconds. Often they can replay the message in their head and cause to a reaction.

Best New Features Of Apple iOS 7

The next generation iOS 7 from Apple has bring the new hope to the customers as well as to the Apple inc. iOS 7 has all new design with set of an elegant color pallete, functional layers for more real feel, cleaner typography, enhanced photos, Siri, Safari, iTunes Radio, improved multitasking and notification center.

“iOS 7 is the most significant iOS update since the original iPhone,” said Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering. “To create it, we brought together a team with a broad range of expertise from design to engineering. With what we’ve been able to achieve together, we see iOS 7 as an exciting new beginning.”

 Features of Apple iOS 7

1. Control Center-

iOS 7 offers Control Center, which allows access to all your favorite and frequently used features in just one swipe from the bottom of the screen.
You can access Airplane mode, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Do not disturb, adjust screen brightness, pause or play songs, clock, Camera, Flashlight and

2. Notification Center-

Notification Center for iOS 7 is accessible from the Lock screen to view all your notifications with a simple swipe. It also has a “Today feature” in
Notification Center that gives you an at-a-glance view of your day with a summary of the important details such as weather, traffic, meetings and

3. Improved Multitasking-

iOS 7 has Improved Multitasking with the ability to enable any app to multitask in the background with a new API. Users have the ability to switch
between their apps in a more visual and intuitive way, and iOS 7 pays attention to which apps you use most and automatically keeps your content
up to date in the background.

4. AirDrop-

AirDrop is the new and fresh way to share the content quickly and easily with people nearby. AirDrop shows you your contacts close by at the time
of sharing content, now select the contact and share with the AirDrop fully encrypted transfer.

5. Camera App-

With the largest photos taken from your iPhone, iOS 7 Camera app includes a square camera option for quickly switch between your 4 types of
camera such as video, photo, square and panorama with a single swipe.

6. Redesigned Safari-

The new interface with full screen browsing let’s you see more content with the all new smart search field, new view of Bookmark and Tab.
With iCloud Keychain, your passwords and credit card information are securely stored and available on all your devices, so navigating password
protected sites or autofilling during transactions is simple and secure. Enhanced Parental Controls allow you to automatically block access to adult websites or only allow access to a specific set of permitted websites.

7. Siri-

Siri has male and female sounds better than ever and it also integrates with Twitter search integration, so you can ask Siri what people are saying
on Twitter. Siri also has an integrated Wikipedia, Bing web search within the app.

8. Music app-

The Music app has a beautiful new design and includes the new iTunes Radio, a free Internet radio service featuring over 200 stations and an
incredible catalog of music from the iTunes Store.


Best Job Sites In India

1) Naukri - ( :- is one of the most comprehensive job searches and a plethora of opportunities.Clean interface provides excellent results across all categories. It also offers resume building services and resume flash through web based and sms alerts.It focuses on matching job opportunities with the applicant’s unique skills and provides a salary bench-marking and gives good opportunity to freshers and experts too. Easy to manage your existing account or you can search directly to any job without even login to the job portal. Quick access to best companies such as private and Government from laptop, computer or smartphone mobiles.

2) Monster India - ( :-

Monster Worldwide Inc has built a so well and managed it reputation to provide best jobs in India, having the main objective to enable the job seekers find out about job/career avenue.

3) Times Jobs - ( :- site contains all types of jobs and helps individuals to find out job of his/her choice.It also offers a separate portal for jobs in Middle East. Quick search to huge number of job opportunities, filter them based on your skills, designation, location or experience.

4) Skillpages - ( :-

Skillpages is an example of the latest trend job site portal, It does not make you feel bore at all. The user interface is so interesting and look similar to Facebook. Nice idea of posting jobs and job seekers can directly reply or contact to the company or individual. Build your network on Skillpages and recommend true people you know to help them getting correct job. This job searching Website for India has found the way to search job by doing social network.

5) Glassdoor - ( :-

Glassdoor gives an opportunity to have an inside loot at jobs and companies. Take an company reviews, salaries from the best companies and cool interview tips. It also gives an detailed analysis to salaries from best companies of India by category wise.

Other Job Sites In India To Explore:



Tips To Get A Job In A Startup

If you are about to complete your degree/college, or about to complete it. You might have thought of ways to get job quickly and in the best company. That is what every job seeker dreams for. It’s very important to get basic understanding of getting job process.

1 – Make an Impressive Resume:

Prepare an easy and impressive resume, that anyone can understand, don’t make it colorful. After preparing, keep your resume updated after every new experience. Write point’s which are best to your knowledge. Remember, the first round is about resume i.e, any question from your
resume. So, don’t mention anything that you can not answer to.

2 – Be Flexible:

Be ready to show your talent, from meeting clients, organizing events, doing paper works, making presentations and documenting new work to share with your colleagues. All these task will not only improve your over all skills but also makes you confident and famous.

3 – Extend Your Work Timings:

Do not limit your thinking to work time of 9am to 5pm, this old concept no longer followed in today’s organization in India. You have to be flexible to extend in your working times.

4 – Be open to a low fixed and high variable salary:

Salary is calculated based on your performance and achievements, there is no shortcut. Expect the salary between 5K to 25K at start up is based on the company and type of work.

5 – Make a list of skills, you’d like to learn:

This future learning skills list will not only help you to set some goal but also it can impress interviewer.

6 – Question yourself:

Read your resume and think of the question that anyone can ask after your resume. Practice answering these questions, this will make you more confident.

7 – Research the company:

Before attending any company, do not forget to gather information about that company. This information will increase chances getting selected.

8 – Be Practical:

If you are going to attend a retail company, then visit some local store and observe customer behavior. This is just an example, so you can do be practical with other such company or skills.

9 – Grow your network:

Make a list of your friends, contact them on by one and ask them if they know anyone who can recommend you in their company.

10 – Social Networking Sites

Today, we have a power of social networking. Use Facebook and
other social network to get recommendations. Sign up on Skill pages and LinkedIn kind of websites.


How To Trace Lost Mobile Phone With Simple Steps

Hello friends, today mobile have become the most important part of one’s life. Everybody is busy in running the race so that not even a single second is wasted from their life and sometimes becomes little bit careless. If the same happens with your mobile, don’t worry as now we have the good enough ways by which we can trace the lost mobile.

Every mobile phone has the unique identification number assigned to it. By the help of the (IMEI) international mobile identity number you can track your lost mobile any time.

  • If you want to know the IMEI number of your mobile you just have to look behind your mobile or just dial *#06# in your mobile handset. This number is very important and you should note it down.

  • If your handset is lost or theft first of all go to the police station and file FIR.

  • After that go to the Mobile service provider and give them your IMEI number along with FIR.

  • By the help of the IMEI number of your mobile the Mobile service provider will now trace your mobile number.

  • The phone can be traceable even if no SIM is inserted in it or when other SIM is used in the phone.

  • Now you will be helped by the police they will find your mobile and return it back to you safely.

  • One more thing you can do, install some Android app or iOS app to trace. For more read more methods at the end of the article

  • You should immediately do this action as soon as your mobile is lost or theft for quick results.

  • You should always keep your IEMI number secret and should be careful regarding IEMI number.


How To Get Geniune Free Mobile Recharge

It’s not easy for us to offend the money of recharge coupons and sometimes as it is included in our daily task we think of some way by which we can get free recharge coupon. Now I will guide you how to get free recharge, do not worry you have came to the right place. Get a look on the sites I have listed about how you will get free mobile recharge:


The minimum recharge amount of this site is 10/- RS.For every referral you will get 3/-RS and on joining this site you will get 10/-RS .this site gives you the reasonable money ,it is a good site.


On joining this website we will be getting the amount of 2/-RS and 2 paisa for every SMS we send, it is the latest sensation in the market.10/-RS is the minimum amount for recharge.


For referral this site is providing 2/-RS, it is newbie website and for every friend joined by your link they will give 20 paisa, you can send SMS and emails to your friends for inviting them.


It is a well known site, you can send free SMS by this site, and it is an old war horse.1 /-RS we will get for every referral.


In this website you just have to complete some surveys and can earn free recharge, this is completely a referrals based website.


The minimum payout of this website is 500/-RS by cheque, it is a website in which you will receive free, money by the ads; you can earn your money by just clicking on the ads.


This is a you will be site in which getting money for referring it to your friends as well as it is an excellent site because you just need to click on the ads inside the website for getting money.


In this you have to refer this site to your friends that is it’s a referral type of site, by completing simple surveys you can earn money in this site.


In laaptu you just have to pay 2/- RS for bonus for joining, once you have joined you just have to enter your guesses, if your guess is correct you will get 30 paisa, 10/-RS is the minimum payout for Laptu


How To Save Your Cell Phone From Water Damage

It may sometime happen that your cell phone accidentally dropped in a sink or even in toilet. Your phone may be struck to a water damage when its left in your pocket and run in cycle of wash machine. Such type of problem is quite often faced in rainy seasons when you get beaten by rain.

Unfortunately there is a procedure by which could save your phone when it gets beaten by water damage. Wet cell phone means you’ve to replace it, but not always. If you are active, you might be able to save your phone.

Follow The Steps To Save Your Phone from Water Damage:

1. Immediately taking out phone from water:-

The headphone inserting hole, very small hole for Microphone, charger inserting hole, or gaps between body and cover of phone even it was very tightly Packed, from all of that a water enter inside the phone in a second, as it was drop into the water. Suddenly Take out phone from water, switch it off, if the phone is switch on could lead to short circuit in phone.

2. Chance to save phone from water even it was in water for some time:-

It may be possible to save phone even it was immerse in water for a time, for example phone is in pocket of pant or shirt and the cloth was put in washing machine, so before considering phone was almost gone because of  such type of case, Try Some Tips To Save Phone:

a). If phone was in charging mode and accidentally drop in washing machine, so firstly take advise from expertise to take it out, to be safe from electric shock, rather than put your hand in washing machine cycle suddenly.

b). All the process is immediate, and then it may result to save the phone.

3. Removing battery from phone:-

After quickly taking out phone from water, dry it by rubbing with soft cloth
and then quickly remove back cover and battery from phone. This is very important step to save phone and to rectify the chances of short circuit in phone chips.

4. Removing SIM card:-

Many of the people store their important data or contact into the sim memory, if sim card get wet with phone, it may cause loss of all important data stored in sim memory, so taking immediate action of removing out the sim from phone may save the important data saved in sim memory.

5. Removing of all type of accessary attached with phone:-

The immediate action of removing all accessories (ear plug, SD card, USB cable) if connected with the phone, while the phone was accidentally dropped into the Water, may result to become free space of the slots and help to water comes out from inside the phone, and also help to enter air inside the phone to dry the water.

6.  Gently apply soft cloth or towel to dry your phone:-

After removing all the accessories, the phone was properly get dry by rubbing with light hand, on the as well as inside the surface of phone or by  putting a cloth inside the phone from small slots if possible, because a single drop of water present inside the phone may corrode the chips of phone or may cause short circuit in phone chips.

NOTE:- While doing such process be carefully, that the phone does not shake or move so much or very hardly.

7. Removing water from phone by means of vacuum cleaner:-

By making use of vacuum cleaner, the water as well as moisture also remove out from phone, moving vacuum cleaner about 20 minute over very affected area, result to dry the phone very well. This is the very simple, less time consuming, effective and very fast technique which was completely drain out the water from phone and give positive result with in a few minutes.

Note:- Be careful not to hold the vacuum of vacuum cleaner too close to the phone, because vacuum can create static electricity inside the phone, which is badly effective for the phone more than water. Also do not use hair dryer, it may burn the chip or it’s component’s.

8. Hair dryer not to be used for dry out a phone:-

It is recommended that you should Not use a hair dryer (not even on the “cold” mode). Using a hair dryer may force moisture to get inside the phone. if the hair dryer air is in warm mode, it result to melt the small parts or the body.

Note :- If moisture is move very deep inside the phone, corrosion and oxidation may result and cause component failure inside the phone.

9. Use a substance which results for drawing out moisture effectively.

An Easy and Cheapest option is to place the phone in a bowl or bag of uncooked rice for whole night. The rice will absorb any remaining moisture. You can also try place the cell phone inside a plastic bag that can be sealed or a plastic container (airtight). Add a desiccant packet, such as silica gel basically comes with new shoes, purses, etc. in with the cell phone.

Note:- Rotate the phone to a different position every hour .This will allow any water left inside to drain out from the space of porting.

10. The phone was placed on water or moisture absorbing towels or paper:-

After removing the phone from the rice or desiccant, place the phone on an absorbing material. Remember that the goal is to remove all of the moisture and humidity from the device.

Note:- Check the absorbent material every hour for 4 to 6 hours. If moisture is remain in phone, repeat the Vacuuming step and desiccant steps.

11. Test your phone:-

After doing all these process, check and see that every area of your cell phone is clean and looks dry. Check all the ports, and in between tiny gapes for any moisture or dirt. Remove away any dust and dirt from the device and covers and insert the battery into the phone. Now attempt to power on the device.

Note:  Power on the phone at least after 24 hours. 

More Hopes:

a). If your phone is completely dried out, but still does not work, try plug in the phone into its charger without inserting battery into the phone. If this works, it means your battery get damage due to action of water.

b). If plug in the phone into the charger doesn’t work, so give cell phone to a mobile service centers.

12. If you are trained and skilled in phone repairing check out some more tip:-

If you switch on the phone but it doesn’t work properly after you’ve dried it, then it’s mean that you’ve missed some liquid inside it. Remove all type of accessories again (card, battery, sim), and rub it gently with a dry brushes like paint or toothbrush.


How To Restore Your operating system to the previous stage

System restore is the process where Windows windows restore your operating system to older good time where system was noted to be working in good condition...

How to restore system :-

1) Click on START menu –> All Programs–>Accessories

2) Click on System Tools–>click on System Restore–>Click on “Restore my computer to an earlier time” and click next. 

3) You can choose any highlighted date and time from the calendar from before your problem started and click next.

4) This process may take 10-20 minutes, depends on your PC configuration. Sometimes it completes in few minutes.


10 interesting facts you didn’t know about the Internet

1. Most famous social networking website Facebook founded by Mark Zuckerberg has more than 1,110 millions registered user as of March 31 2013. I hardly know anyone who does not have Facebook account.

2. A news website contains as much information as a person of the 18th century could learn. According to the researcher Marting Gilbert from university of Southern California, 18th century person could master no more than 50 books in a lifetime.Whereas today, an average person is able to absorb the information stored in 600 000 books.

3. Hong kong is the worlds fastest internet place. It has blazing fast internet, an average peak speed of 54.1 megabits per seconds. At this speed you can download HD movie in about 4 minutes.

4. Search engine giant Google can handle 35 billion queries in a month.

5. Every 8th couple of today met online through internet.

6. The first electronic smiley appeared in 1979 when Kevin McKenzie tried expressing his emotion by electronic means. The very first electronic look like -) then 3 years later Scott Fahlman added colon “:)-” and it took form :) - as we use to do now a days.

7. Today 81% of emails are spam.

8. For the year 2012, China accounted for 41% of the world’s attack traffic during the fourth quarter of 2012 making China top source of cyber assaults.

9. United States is the largest country on Facebook, India standing 3rd. Croatia is the fastest growing Facebook country over past week.

10. All Internet is 4 exabytes of information. By the way, 1 exabyte = 1000 petabytes; 1 petabyte = 1000 terabytes; 1 terrabyte = 1000 gigabytes. Each year, this amount is doubled.

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